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Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable?

Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? The plan for this Snowman Tablescape has been on my mind for several years. I saw the idea for this in a magazine and sketched the idea in one of my 'idea notebooks'.

Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? on

Scarf "How To"

To make the scarf, cut a piece of fabric 8-1/2 inches wide across the width of the fabric. The fabric is 45" wide. The finished scarf will be about 45" long and 7-1/2" wide. This plaid fabric was woven with different colors of thread. All I needed to do to make a straight line was to cut following one of the lines in the fabric.

Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? on
Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? on
Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? on

Fold both long edges up 1/2" and press with a steam iron. Then fold the loose edge in half and press again.

Cut off the selvage edge on both ends of the fabric.

Stitch 3/4" from the end of the scarf, catching in the folded edges. The fringe will be made by removing cross-threads. (I waited to stitch the long hems on the side until the fringe was made.)

Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? on
Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? on

Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? on

After the fringe is made, edge stitch the folded and ironed 1/4" hems on both long edges. If you are using a regular sewing foot, here's a trick to keep the hem flat and not puckered. Every 3-4", let the needle down penetrating all three layers of the fabric. The needle holds the fabric in place. Lift the presser foot , straighten, and re-position the fabric around the needle.

You should see that the bottom fabric was beginning to be pulled through the feed a little faster than the top fabric. Using this trick will assure that both sides of the fabric will be even at the end of the stitching.

There is a foot for your sewing machine called the 'walking foot', which has top feed dogs, too. This eliminates that problem. Have you ever had this problem? I seriously need to buy one of those, but this trick has served me well for years!

Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? on

This display may be changed a little before Christmas Eve this year. Thinking of adding some sticks for arms or maybe some mittens I'm planning to make from burlap. But, seriously, isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable?

Isn't This Easy DIY Melted Snowman Decoration Adorable? on

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