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Add a shelf 

  I started by measuring how long my longest utensil was, added a half inch, and that determined how long the long dividers would be. 


   The boards  used were 1/4" x 2 1/2" oak boards from Lowe's.  I measured across the back of the drawer and cut two boards that length.  Four boards were cut the length I had determined the dividers needed to be. 


   Then using wood glue and tiny nails, I made a box and added the dividers.  I did drill tiny holes before nailing, so the wood wouldn't split.


    I didn't want to cover the screw holding the drawer pull, in case we ever  wanted to change out the knobs. A 'U' shape was created to fit on one side in the front and attached with nails to the big box and the side of the drawer.  One more board was cut to help hold the drawer in place on the right side of the drawer, and it was attached using nails, also.


   I love it and will be doing the same thing to at least two other drawers!

Add and Organize Storage!


 On my eternal quest for order in my home, I have personalized drawers and shelves...


  As I was pulling a stack of bowls out of the cabinet, it dawned on me.  If this cabinet had another shelf, how much better it would be.  Taking a look at it, all I needed were some shelf supports and a shelf.


   Why had I not thought of this before? The cabinets only came with 2 adjustable shelves. Adding another was surprisingly simple.  Lowe's has the supports and the shelves, which match those in my home!  Just cut to size.


   Platters fit nicely on the new shelf without wasting space and not so much stacking, leaving a much more organized space.

  If it works for one, then why not another?  Actually, I added a shelf to almost every kitchen cabinet and now seem to have more space.

Maybe you have some more space in your home, which you didn't realize was there.

Add another!
Wooden dividers

   Tame your plastic grocery bags!  A couple of years ago, when I first found Pinterest, I found a pin on how to fold your grocery bags.  Brilliant!


   We recycle our grocery bags by using them as our trash can liners.  They fit perfectly in our kitchen and bathroom trash cans.  I had already bought a bag holder, which is attached to the door under the kitchen sink.


   We all know that wadded up paper or plastic takes up more space than flattened paper or plastic.  Right?  The bag holder, which was overflowing, quickly became tamed, neat, and surprisingly, there was so much more space!


   The pin I originally found showed folding the plastic bags into fourths, but that created an even more compact package that didn't fit as nicely in the holder.  I found that folding my grocery bags into thirds created the perfect size for the bag holder.  Department store bags are sometimes larger and I might need to fold those into fourths.


   No, my family does not see the need for folding the bags and often teases me about it, but I love the order and I have passed on to you the art of taming your plastic bags!


Tame Your Bags!





    You're in the laundry room.   The dryer is full of clothes which need to be hung and there are no hangers!  Where are they?


   Don't you hate going from bedroom to bedroom looking for hangers?  Where are all the hangers?  Never knowing who had them and chasing them down drove me nuts, so I hit upon an idea to track those bad boys.  I bought hangers in different colors and assigned each color to a person or bedroom.  They each also had laundry baskets in matching colors.


   That may sound rather simplistic, however, sometimes the best things are.  If I had to retrieve them, I knew where to go.  If the kids were home,  "Will, I need your hangers!"

 "Jon-Michael bring your hangers down."


   When the kids were younger this was such a time saver!  




Take Charge of Your Hangers

Drawers and Shelves
Taming Your Plastic Bags!
Hangers in the Laundry

Organized  At Last

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