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Unique And Beautiful DIY Seashell Wreath

While on vacation this summer, I came across a seashell wreath in a little shop in Florida. That little wreath was the inspiration for this Unique and Beautiful DIY Seashell Wreath .

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You know I love the beach! Although we live in Northern Kentucky, there are vases and bowls of seashells spread throughout the house. There is not an in your face 'beach' feel to the house, but these little reminders of the beach are tucked into the decor throughout as constant reminders of our walks on the beach.

DIY Seashell Wreath on

To begin with, you will need a wreath form. The form used for this wreath is a circular 12" styrofoam. You will also need hot glue, a ribbon for hanging, and plenty of seashells in a variety of sizes. Since this wreath form is only 12", none of the larger shells were used.

DIY Seashell Wreath on

One by one, apply hot glue to the back of each of the shells and place on the wreath form. You can see in the picture below that the first row was applied to the topside and centered. Since most of the shells are not curved like the wreath, they might stick up a little, on the edges, but that's okay. The next layer of shells can tuck up inside of any of those.

DIY Seashell Wreath on

While you can arrange your seashells however you please, there was not a deliberate order to this wreath. You can see that the first layer of shells was arranged so that some faced in, some out, and some to the side. It amazes me how seashells fit together so nicely.

DIY Seashell Wreath on My Humble Home and

The next layer of shells was just tucked in and around the first layer. Like a puzzle, a shell was just selected, picked up, and moved from spot to spot until it seemed to fit perfectly. Then, glue was applied, and it was placed in that perfect spot.

If little spots of the white styrofoam were visible, small shells were glued in those spots.

DIY Seashell Wreath on

If the wreath is to be placed on a wall, it wouldn't be necessary to cover the back, but this wreath was intended to hang above the sink in our kitchen window. That meant the back could be seen from outside, so the entire wreath form was covered with the seashells. (Remember we had new windows put in this spring? The heat and glare from the sun no longer is an issue! I have left that kitchen window with no curtain or shade! I love it!)

DIY Seashell Wreath on

When the entire wreath was covered with shells, a ribbon from my stash was chosen for hanging. Originally, a cream or white satin ribbon was intended to be used for the wreath, but the sheer beige ribbon caught my eye! Aside from being the perfect color to go with the shells, you can see through it! None of the shells are hidden behind the ribbon.

Hanger for DIY Seashell Wreath on

The wreath was not hanging straight with just the ribbon, so a hanger was made using floral wire. It was wrapped around and secured to the ribbon and could be manipulated so the wreath hung straight.

Do you have an abundance of shells tucked away in a box or bin somewhere? Maybe this will inspire you to make your own Unique and Beautiful DIY Seashell Wreath!

An abundance of shells?  Maybe this will inspire you to make your own DIY Seashell Wreath! on

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