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Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you! In the garden, there are two new roses. This first beauty is 'Peace', a hybrid tea rose. The large warm yellow blooms are edged with pink and the foliage is dark green. These blossoms are gorgeous!

Joseph's Coat climbing rose on

The second is a climbing rose, 'Joseph's Coat'. The double orange flowers have red edges and a light sweet fragrance.

These two roses were Dave's Mother's Day gifts for me this year.

Columbine on

The columbines are blooming like crazy this year! The peonies are budding. Last weekend, I worked a full day in the gardens and felt I had made some progress. There is still work to do.

Peony buds on

In the garden, the purple 'Alcazar' irises continue to bloom and the periwinkle blue iris is blooming. This little iris looks lavender until it blooms near the purple irises. Then, it looks blue. I am not sure what its name is.

There are pockets of both of these irises scattered across the landscape in the backyard. It gives a continuity to the view as your eye follows the purple and lavender from one flower bed to another. The eye follows color, so use that to your advantage in your landscape.

Periwinkle blue iris on

Alcazar iris on

The huge dark purple irises are budding but have not opened up yet. Last year there were about forty blossoms on the plants, but not as many this year. This year, I will be dividing that bunch and adding them to another area. Those irises are breathtaking!

Old fashioned fragrant pink rose on

I wish you could smell this old fashioned pink rose! The start for this plant came from Dave's mother. She had the original plant for many years.

Butterfly weed on

The butterfly weed continues to grow and seems to be thriving. Last summer was my first time planting this flower. Last fall, as soon as we had a freeze, it was gone! My worries about it not making it were for nothing.

I'm anxious to see the flowers on this plant and also hoping the butterflies take advantage of it.

Blue eyed grass flower on

This tiny flower is a blue-eyed grass flower. The bulbs for these came as a free gift in a spring bulb order many years ago. I have to admit, when they first came up, I had no clue what they were. I had completely forgotten about planting them! They have spread a little in the bed where they were originally planted. The plants look like a little clump of grass and at the end of the blades, these little six-petaled blue flowers emerge. They take absolutely no care and the tiny flowers are so cute!

Hoping you have some new additions to your flower gardens, too, Happy Mother's Day!

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