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The Flower Garden

How do you propagate rose plants from your bouquets?

Soon, this rose from Valentine's Day will be transformed into new plants to add to the flower garden. The flower was removed from the stem and the stem was cut into four pieces just above the leaf nodes. Honey was dabbed onto the bottom of the stem of each piece and then, placed in a glass of water on the kitchen windowsill. (You can use rooting medium, but I didn't have any and honey is an alternative!)

This has to be done while the stem is still green. If it turns brown, it is too late.

Can you root roses from your floral bouquets? on

You can see the new growth on the stems at the top of the glass. Each time these stems begin to grow, I am amazed! Yes, you can root roses from your bouquets!

Rooting roses from your flower bouquet! on

At the bottom of the stem where the honey was placed, a callous is forming. Soon there will be roots. A couple of years ago, on June 14th, this rose plant propagated from a Valentine rose was growing nicely in a pot on the deck.

Rose propagation on

Mother Nature is such a wondrous thing, isn't she?

Cherry Blossoms on

This is the earliest I remember the cherry tree in the front yard blooming. It is loaded with blossoms right now. If you remember, last year this tree was a magnet for local honeybees!

Three different colors of hyacinth are blooming, too. Next year, there will be a fourth color, that lovely pastel red-violet colored one purchased from the grocery floral department earlier this year.

Daffodils on

Daffodils are blooming, too! Dave's mother gave me a start of both of these daffodils and they are multiplying nicely at the back of the yard.

Daffodils on

There is also a Mount Hood daffodil, which I love because of its pure white color. I bought the bulbs for those from a nursery. Looking out the window this morning, I can see that one of those has finally bloomed, too.

With all of the window installation mess last week, I didn't get to go out and weed the flower beds and they certainly need it. Right now those weeds are seemingly taunting me! Can't wait to get those pulled. Things are popping up so quickly!

Last year, the Flat Leaf Italian Parsley I planted in the garden was the healthiest we have ever had. (I don't have a vegetable garden, but instead, a few vegetables are grown along with the flowers.) It was such a strong plant and yielded so much parsley for all of our cooking needs. This plant had a marker from Bonnie Plants, which is based in Alabama. Unbelievably, this plant is coming back!

We had an incredibly mild winter, (Thank you, God!) and an early spring. Flat leafed Italian parsley has never before overwintered in this garden. I was shocked, but here is the proof!

Italian parsley on

It seems the flower gardens are at least a couple of weeks ahead of last year's at this same time. I am hoping Old Man Winter won't show up on our doorstep again this spring. Can't wait to get out there and work in the flower garden this week!

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