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Make Your Own Ruffled Felt Valentine Wreath

Make Your Own Ruffled Felt Valentine Wreath! This wreath turned out so cute! It ended up being more simplistic than I had first imagined. Colorful red and pink flowers were going to be added along with the heart. Since the heart was the first thing I made from the red felt, it was the first thing placed on the stark white wreath. It was very pleasing to the eye.

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After adding the white satin ribbon and the red grosgrain ribbon for a hanger and crafting a bow from them, the wreath was hung in the dining room. As I made a few colorful flowers, placed them on the wreath and stood back to look at them, I realized the simplicity of the little red heart alone was my preference. Sometimes you have to know when to stop. It's like a painting; add too much and you have ruined it.

This 16" wreath ended up taking 400 of the 3-inch circle cutouts. (Click here for my earlier post and complete instructions.) There are machines that will cut those out, but these were cut out with ordinary scissors, two at a time. It was a lot of cutting, but didn't it come out cute?

The heart was just made from red felt. I cut a pattern out of paper and cut two heart shapes from the red felt. Then I sewed a blanket stitch around the perimeter with embroidery floss, leaving a 2-inch opening. A little bit of batting was stuffed into the heart before sewing the opening closed with the blanket stitch. A little bow was hot glued at the top of the heart.

The heart was just attached with a straight pin pierced through the back of the heart and into the felt of the wreath. That will make it easy to remove if I decide to change the decorations.

The sharp contrast of the bright red of the heart was so eye catching on the white wreath, I started thinking how pretty it would be to add some of those velvety red poinsettias for a Christmas wreath. Hmm. I think it would make a beautiful striking combination.

Sophie has already asked if I would make a wreath like this for her bedroom in an aqua color! While I agreed to do it, we agreed it would not be as big as this one! To pin this post, click here â–ºRuffled Felt Valentine Wreath.

If any of you are inspired to make your own, please share a picture on Visitor's Posts on 'MyHumbleHomeandGarden's' Facebook page.â—„

This is such an easy wreath to make, but it does take a little while. The hardest part was cutting enough circles from the felt! Although this ruffled felt Valentine wreath took some work, I am really pleased with the results.

Make Your Own Beautiful Ruffled Felt Valentine Wreath!  on

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