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Strawberries and Cream

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This version of 'strawberries and cream' is so simple and easy but tastes like a strawberry cheesecake! It's a delicious little mouthful of almond cheesecake flavor wrapped in a big red strawberry. A whole tray of these tasty morsels makes a stunning addition to a dessert table or a buffet. Who could not be tempted with these?

This is a dessert I usually think of and make in the summertime, but it would really be good anytime fresh strawberries are available. The only thing that would make these better might be chocolate! That gives me some ideas...

Recipe for Strawberries and Cream

In a medium bowl, beat one package, (8 ounces), of cream cheese, softened, add 1/2 cup of confectioner sugar, and one teaspoon of pure almond extract. Beat until smooth. Fill a pastry bag fitted with a decorative star tip, with the cream cheese mixture and chill for about one hour.

Quarter the strawberries, starting from the tip to the end with the stem, Be careful not to slice all the way through the strawberry. Pipe the filling into the prepared strawberries. A mint garnish sets of the beautiful red of the strawberries.

This recipe makes enough filling for about a quart of strawberries.

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