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A Little Sunshine In The Rain

A Little Sunshine in the Rain on My Humble Home and

Even though it was raining a couple of days ago, the miniature daffodils were blooming sunshine. My favorite season has begun. Flower season! For the next several months, the flowers will be blooming in my gardens. The miniature daffodils mark that beginning. (The chipmunks ate all of my crocus bulbs in two seasons. I gave up on the crocus.)

These miniature daffodils were in a little pot from the grocery. After the flowers were spent, I planted them in my garden. I didn't dry the bulbs and wait until autumn. I just planted them in the ground. They continue to multiply each year.

My attempt at capturing the beauty of each of these magnificent floral gifts from God in my garden has become an obsession. As soon as there is daylight, I grab the camera and begin a search for likely subjects for my photos.

Laughing at myself, I once asked the question, "How many ways could you possibly take a picture of a rose?"

Apparently I am trying to find out for myself and have no definitive answer yet. My files are full of them, but each is unique. Sometimes as I pull the pictures up on my computer, I am taken aback and actually catch my breath because of the beautiful images displayed on the screen.

Isn't it amazing that rain on flowers sometimes looks like a perfect sphere? Look at the main flower in the photo. Notice the row of perfect little orbs on the top petal on the left? My trusty camera has captured some little orbs on other flowers as well. It just amazes me. There is no way to choose a favorite, one is just as lovely as the next. Click here for more of my flower photos.

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