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Hello Spring!

Pansy violas on My Humble Home and

I just had to share these little pansy violas!

After the past few weeks of winter snow, ice, freezing rain and all around bad weather here in Kentucky, I have gone out very little. Dave insisted I go with him to McCabe's Nursery across the river in Indiana.

He bought fertilizer for our lawn. We used to have a lawn service, but inevitably, they would spray the yard while we were on vacation, leave a little note saying be sure to water your yard today.

We would come home to a yard full of crunchy, fried grass.

We heard about Denny McKewon's Bloomin' Garden Center 3 step Ferti-lome lawn program, started using it a couple of years ago, and our lawn does look better. We have fewer weeds and the cost is cheaper than the 5 application lawn service!

Anyway, these little pansy violas were so cheery I couldn't resist! I plan to candy some of them for desserts. They are edible. Wouldn't they look pretty on a salad? I have seen them used in ice cubes, too. In the mean time the cheery little blossoms brightened my day and hopefully yours, too!

P.S. I tucked one of the little plants in a bunny pot to enjoy in the house until Easter. Click here â–ºfor the picture on my Easter page!

Pansy violas on My Humble Home and

Pansy violas on My Humble Home and

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