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How to Prevent the Dreaded Cake Doming!

How to Keep Your Cake From Doming; it's simple!

How to Keep Your Cake From Doming; it's simple!

A simple technique to prevent cake doming! on My Humble Home and

A couple of years ago, I read a tip on the internet about keeping your cake from doming. It involved cutting a strip of fabric to fit around your cake pan, saturating it with water, squeezing out the excess and pinning it around the pan.

I could not believe that would make a difference, yet I tried it anyway. I cut one of my kitchen towels into two 4" strips, folded the edges into the middle, creating a strip 1/3 the size of the original. Then I soaked them in water, squeezed out the excess, wrapped them around the pans and secured them with safety pins. Yes, I know that was very high tech!

Oh, my gosh! It actually worked! The top was wonderfully flat! No more cutting half the cake off to achieve a flat top!

Of course, I continued to use the strips and that technique until I was in the Wilton section at the craft store and found these handy dandy "Bake-Even Cake Strips".

They actually make these and there are several different sizes. As you can see in the picture above, they work! I don't know about you, but I always use parchment paper in the bottom of my pans, too! There is not a worry that the cake will stick to the pan, perfect every time.

How to Keep Your Cake From Doming  on My Humble Home and

Click through below. You can find these on Amazon. “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”​

Whoever thought these up is so brilliant! Happy baking!

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