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My Santa Collection

When Dave and I were stationed in Adak, Alaska, we would often go to the ceramic shop and create items to go in our future home. The bright red colored Santa, just to the right of the lamp on the left, was the first Santa in my collection. He was made in 1976. Each year we usually add another.

Christopher Lowell was the first person to have a show dedicated to home decorating and entertaining. I loved that show! He said that displaying collections en masse made more of a statement , than spreading them around here and there.

He was right! Although, I do have other Santa's displayed individually on the armoire, on tables, etc., most are here on the sideboard; and they do make an impact, don't they?

December 2014 044 santas.jpg

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DIY!  Lifts and Levels made from cardboard!  On
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