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Counter Attack

Pepper flakes do not seem to deter these ravenous bunnies at all! Woke up Monday morning, checked on the petunias first thing. Oh my gosh!

So, I googled how to keep bunnies out of the garden. (Where is Mr. McGregor when you need him?) Reports that ground cayenne pepper, human hair, animal feces, (gross!) and rubber snakes seem to keep the pests with voracious appetites away from gardens.

Cayenne pepper was in the home spice shelf and readily available. So, sprinkling the plants liberally with the pepper, was the first attempt at defense.

Next, hunting through the Halloween decorations, I retrieved two rubber snakes, and placed them strategically in the petunia garden. Apparently bunnies are a little skittish just seeing the shape of the snake. Good.

As luck would have it, the skies opened up and it rained last night. The pepper washed away, however, the snakes remained.

Pleased to say, this morning, my plants seem to have grown a little and don't look like they were attacked further by the bunnies in the night!


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