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Tiny Violets In My Garden

The violets are in bloom here in our garden. They are tiny and adorable. They were planted a few years ago, and have multiplied some.

Since I retired this past year, I have really enjoyed them so much more. Having the time to weed my flower gardens this spring has been wonderful!

Reflecting on my work at the end of the day, and how much I enjoyed the violets, it dawned on me, I needed those violets last April!

I made 300 mini desserts for one of my daughter's friend's wedding reception. One of the desserts was a French lavender macaron. My plan was to add a candied violet on the top of each of the lavendar colored, lavender flavored, macarons.

I tried to find candied violets locally and could not. Searching the web, I found a sight in Europe where I could purchase them. Well....with shipping, the price was not worth it! Little did I know, I probably had them in my garden and could have candied my own! Unfortunately, I was working at that time and didn't even get to see my flower beds.

My son's girlfriend, Alex, came over, I made royal icing, mixed colors and she piped out violets for me. (She is awesome!)

This year is different. I will be making candied violets, straight from my own garden! No, I am not making 300 desserts for someone right now, but you never know!

They can also be served in salads and frozen in ice cubes. Be sure to use distilled water, so the cubes are perfectly clear!

Side note, I will be planting Nasturiums this year. They are so pretty and can be used in salads, too. They are edible, as well, and have a peppery taste.

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